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Ballet Forte, Guest Choreographers 2016

Flamenco Hoy by Carlos Saura in Latinoamérica

April 16th, Teatro del Lago de Frutillar. CHILE

April 18th & 19th, Teatro Oriente de Santiago de Chile. CHILE

April 22 & 23, Teatro María Angola de Lima, PERÚ

April 27th & 28th. Teatro Melico Salazar de San José. COSTA RICA

April 29 & 30 y May 1st, Teatro Nacional de Bogotá. COLOMBIA

May 6th & 7th, Teatro de la Ciudad de México D.F. MEXICO

La Galería del Palacio de Cibeles se incorpora el miércoles a la Navidad con el White Bouncy Castle, de William Forsythe

“The visitor's unavoidable inclusion in the idiosyncratic kinetics of Dana Caspersen and William Forsythe's «White Bouncy Castle» creates a choreographic space where there are no spectators, only participants. The choreography that appears, led by Joel Ryan's encompassing soundtrack, is the result of complete physical destabilisation and the resulting social absurdity. The inadvertant euphoria that results from the situation is infectious and, in some cases, addictive.

Nuria Serra, guest choreographer of the Dancing into de Sun Festival in USA

Nuria Serra was a special guest at the Dancing into de Sun Festival, in New Jersey. Major contemporary dance companies, in the states of New Jersey and New York, attended the festival.



International Film Festival of Santiago

International BPM participates, in the International Film Festival of Santiago de Chile, with the production of Drive-in LoBarnechea. The event exhibited a selection of the most outstanding films of 2014 in the world's largest screen (440 square meters, equal to a 6 storey building).

Thus, the experience that the public had, was what our past generations used to enjoy outdoor and from the comfort of your car.




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